The ePaper from HOFdirekt.Direct marketing increasingly requires professionalism and flexibility. HOFdirekt provides current information in a professionally competent and practical manner.The mix of current topics, market trends, practical reports, calculations and legal bases make HOFdirekt a sought-after specialist magazine for companies and consultants - for over 20 years. The ePaper offers the complete content of the print edition.Its easy and convenient to read: all pages can be scrolled through or zoomed in with the swipe of a finger. The table of contents provides quick orientation and directs you to the desired article with just a click. In addition to the current issue, previous issues are also available in the archive.The app is free for our HOFdirekt plus subscribers. Log in once with your normal username/password from You can then read the issues free of charge. If you have not yet registered on the homepage, you must log in there once with your customer number. You can find the number on the address label on the front of the booklet. As a HOFdirekt plus subscriber, you can register free of charge on up to three devices.--E-PAPER PRICESRetail 14.99 EURAdditional purchasing information:• After the purchase is confirmed, the payment will be deducted from the Google account.